To start my WW1 project off I ordered a rather large bundle of 10mm miniatures from Pendraken, ordering just about all that I thought I would ever need from their WW1 Middle East range. I picked up what was quite a mass-of-minis from Dave at the Pendraken stall at Edinburgh’s wargames show, Claymore. He very generously added a few packs that he thought might be useful additions to the Middle East range and did his best to pick out figures that might be suitable as Arab tribesmen from his other ranges. I went with Dave’s advice as he knew his figure ranges – and the period! – better than I did. This was back in the day when most orders were made from a list in a printed catalogue without illustrations. The Internet has been an undeniably good thing for the Hobby! Some day in the future the Pendraken website would be up and running with photos of the miniatures being added all the time (although the Middle East range currently still has no pics). I carried my ton-of-toys home in one of those reinforced cardboard boxes that metal blocks for casting are transported in.
ABOVE Some of my first Pendraken WW1 order. RIGHT Turkish infantry officer from Pendraken pack ME3.