Damn Their Eyes!

It can be somewhat daunting judging your figure painting by your ability to take a decent photo of your mini-masterpieces. Sometimes, it’s hit or miss. Other-times, a bad photograph can ruin a good paint job. However, it’s virtually impossible for a photograph to make a bad paint job look anything other than a bad paint job. I organised a photo-shoot for my Pendraken painting competition hopefuls to see how some French line grenadiers were progressing. One image in particular caught my attention. Who says you can’t paint eyes on a 10mm figure? I tried to paint some sort of impression with my competition entry last year (see Post 14) but it looked as if this year my luck was in. I also liked how the outlining of the grenadier’s coat turnbacks had come out. However, these were just details amidst a mass of retouching that still had to be done if anything was to be entered. Painted eyes on their own weren’t going to win any 10mm painting competitions!

Every Eagle has a Number

When I received my first batch of Pendraken sample figures (see Post 9), I promised myself I would never paint regimental numbers on the French eagles. Never say never. It was almost certainly all the fault of the Pendraken painting competition that made me attempt to number the eagle of my 16th  line chasseurs à cheval. It was probably a foolish precedent to set. I’m not looking forward to the glorious 88th. On the other hand, the 1st  will be a doddle! The French eagle is most likely the most worrying 10mm Napoleonic metal part to deflash. I was very impressed with the sculpting when I saw my first Pendraken eagle but there’s always a little flash on top of the eagle’s head to craftily cut away without clipping the poor bird’s feathers. LEFT 16th chasseurs à cheval eagle.