When it came to designing a 10mm Aspern-Essling battlefield, the ground scale  had to fit my existing terrain-tile scenery – and my 8’ by 4’ tabletop! So after   choosing a ground scale, I squared off a map to match my tiles (see Post 25).     To get a better idea of how the 10mm battlefield would look, I laid out the tiles I      already had from my existing collection, using ones that could definitely be       used and others that might just be fillers until something better was produced.        I left gaps for feature tiles that really would have to be purpose built. One of         the great things about this terrain system is that existing tiles can be used as          stand-ins while purpose-built tiles are being worked on.            I used the map in Post 25 because it was the clearest map of the layout of             the battlefield and the best for defining locations that I could find. But              much of the 1809 terrain had altered by 1875, the date of the map – a               certain amount of water management had obviously occurred, for                example. I would continue to use this map for grid references. However,                 my 1809 battlefield would be based on actual period reference.

The Foundations of Aspern-Essling

LEFT A bird’s eye view of the first stage of the Aspern-Essling battlefield-build seen from the west.
Mouse-over to enlarge.