Redline Samples

At the end of October, I ordered two packs of Redline 10mm Napoleonic miniatures as samples: AU10 Austrian Artillery Crews and FHQ Napoleon, Ney and Staff. I’d never actually seen any Redline figures other than in online photos. They didn’t take long to arrive. I was very glad that I’d ordered the two packs as they were very obviously the work of two different sculptors – and very different from one another. The Austrians gunners were a real treat and simply first class: lovely natural poses, fine detail and a great sense of scale. I couldn’t have hoped for better. For me, the Redline French staff on the other hand were a sad disappointment, lacking the elegance and flair of the Austrian sculpts. More to the point, I wanted to know how the Redline figures matched up with my existing Pendraken collection.
ABOVE The simply gorgeous Redline 10mm Austrian Artillery gunners in a generous variety of poses.
ABOVE Straight from the pack: Flanked by Marshal Ney on the left and Napoleon on the right, my Redline FHQ pack included an unbalanced mix of four of the first figure, five of the second, and only one of the hat-tipping figure I had previously guessed might be an ADC (see the last Post).