It hit me like... thunder on the Danube – a bolt out of the (not so) blue – that I had missed a trick and that I should have based my Rosenberg conversion not on the Archduke Charles figure from Pendraken’s Austrian High Command pack (see Post 132) but on the staff officer from the same pack (see the last post). Why? Because the figure already had overall trousers just as Rosenberg was wearing in Krafft’s painting (see Post 132). If I could remodel the figure’s face, turning it so that I could keep the hat but then sitting fore-and-aft as in the painting, it would be a simple conversion. I took my rotary tool to the staff officer’s sash as before and to the figure’s face, grinding them away. I then set to work with modelling putty, giving the figure a new face, ears and hair, right coat tail, single-breasted coat front and collar. I fixed the sash and I gave him what would be a larger map than the map/written orders he was holding. Simple enough. Johann Krafft’s painting dates from 1819. Some of the uniforms in it are just flights of the painter’s fancy. But I was hoping his depiction of Charles and his staff was more accurate. I was tempted to copy the painting further and give my Rosenberg a high shirt collar. And his military cross?

Another Rosenberg

My new Rosenberg needed a mounted officer figure to accompany him on a command base. I no longer wanted to use my officer from the last post as he was converted from the same figure as my new Rosenberg. I decided to convert a Pendraken Austrian Line Infantry officer (NPA4). I cut off his sword and sword arm and gave him a new arm as if holding a telescope. I removed the oak leaves from his hat and added a feather plume and hat lace. I gave him larger ‘German’ cuffs with open rear seams and remembered (only just) to add a sword hilt to his empty scabbard. It was tempting to think that my Austrian 5th Column had been assigned a commander at last.
POST 134