Scales, Assumptions, and a Bit of Juggling
Next: a bit of – convenient – mathematics. Inclining unashamedly towards French
infantry organisation and taking 600 men as a battalion average gives 300 men per
base for a two-base unit. Scanning the historical record, 300 seems a reasonable basic
infantry unit detachment size to aim for. These 300 Frenchmen in three ranks would
form up with a 100 man frontage. Assuming a Napoleonic infantryman in close order
requires a frontage of 2’ (or 600mm), 100 men would equal a frontage of 60m. Dividing
this by 24 would conveniently mean 1mm equals 2.5m. However, I decided to keep
25mm as my standard unit of measurement. Adding 2.5m to a unit’s frontage is
neither here nor there but it can be filled in our military musings with a few more
men, space to manoeuvre, or officers and musicians on the flanks of a unit.
Nevertheless, it gives a three-deep 600-man infantry line a frontage of 125m.
I mulled over other ground scales from 1mm equals 1m to 1mm equals 5m but
returned to 1mm equals 2.5m. It appeared to work well with my tabletop, too. For
the miniature battlefield 1km would be 400mm, giving me 3km x 6km on my 1200mm
x 2400mm (4’ x 8’) tabletop. Not spectacularly huge in terms of Napoleonic battlefields
but a fair size for what I had in mind. Although 4km by 6 or 5km would be even better
for Aspern-Essling, extending the battlefield in the future would still be possible and
manageable – even if it meant a change of venue! At 200mm square, a good thing
about my terrain tiles is their ability to adjust to the size of the tabletop!
Basic Units
When mixing the wargames ingredients of tabletop terrain,
bases and rules with the historical record an obvious
Napoleonic place not to stray too far from is infantry tactics
and organisation. I was aiming at big battles but I still wanted
to be able to represent battalions, if at all possible –
detachments of 300 men fought alone and effectively both on
the field and in the village of Essling. High up on my list was
that I wanted my figures and figure bases to be able to visibly
represent as much as possible during game-play. At the very
least, they should be able to show whether a unit was in line,
march column, attack column, or square – even in battalion
masse. The higher the figure scale the less likely this could be
achieved. Single-base basic units wouldn’t be able to
represent much at all, but even units of two bases
could show if a unit was in line, column or
square. So whatever my basic military
unit would end up being, wargames
units would have to be made up of
two bases
at the very