Great Garden
To the west of Essling’s granary was Great, or Master’s,
Garden (herrschaftlicher Garten – literally ‘the garden of a
stately man’). It was a large walled garden, somewhat
isolated, that extended about 200m north of the village. Its
walls were loop-holed and crenulated by Boudet’s men
prior to the Austrian assaults.
The two defensive strong-points, the granary and the
garden, were mutually supporting and were attacked
simultaneously. This made it seem reasonable to mount
them together on the same base as one built-up-area
section. Separating them from the rest of the village would
reflect their battlefield importance, but would ultimately
enlarge the built-up area of the village – but by just a little.
All things considered, the unit sizes that could assault and
defend the terrain base – the built-up area section –
according to my rules should be able to properly reflect the
level of the actual engagement.
I designed my Master’s Garden as a brick walled garden
just large enough to accommodate two infantry bases. I
laser-cut the walls with engraved bricks from fibreboard
and topped them off with some cardboard flag stones, all
suitably moved around by the French defenders. I used
several types of textured and non-textured modelling
pastes, applied to the flat areas before painting the model. I
was careful to avoid adding lumps of paste to where the
figure bases were intended to stand. Therefore, a bit of an
uneventful, flat garden! This I planned to rectify by
creating a removable base of suitable vegetation.
ABOVE The Great Garden model prepped for painting on a 100mm-square base.
The short crenulated wall is the northern wall, facing the Austrian lines.
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