The Pendraken Painting Competition 2014

As I pointed out in Post 139, February brought with it the annual Pendraken Painting Competition. However, real life took over in the countdown to the deadline and I didn’t have enough time to complete anything new for the competition. Not to miss out and just for the fun of joining in, I submitted three entries from photos that had featured in posts on my 1809 Blog. These I chose based on the comments they had generated on forums. I put most of my hope, if any, in my Open Army category contribution – Hungarian infantry with a pic of my new Hungarian standard bearer thrown in. I didn’t hold out any real hope as the entries that had been posted were so good the category looked like it had already been won by the time I got round to posting my entry. So it was a bit of a surprise to me that my Hungarians came runner up in the category. My Open Single-Base entry – my base of just three Carneville Freikorps infantry (see Post 135) – ended up in the People’s Choice Award. It did pretty well, I thought, considering the standard of the entries, gaining a respectable if not surprising number of votes from the public vote, coming in joint fourth.
POST 143